How it works
CSA Member Handbook
Veggies we grow!
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Obscure Veggie Guide
2022 Season in Photos
Beginning Photos
Visitor Info
Peanut Seeds!
You are the heart of this farm -- we are so grateful for your support & value your input!
Indicates required field
How long have you been a member of Wild Hill Farm?
This is my first year!
This is my second year, I was a member last year.
Is this your first year EVER trying a CSA share?
Yes, it's my first experience as a CSA member.
I tried another CSA once in the past.
I am a seasoned CSA member!
Are you a Half Share member or a Full Share member?
Half Share: I pick up every other week.
Full Share: I pick up every week.
What is the total number of adults and the total number of children who eat from your CSA share?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your CSA share at Wild Hill Farm?
10: I'm super satisfied with my CSA share!!
1: I'm not satisfied at all with my CSA share!
How do you feel about the quantity of produce in the share? (Do not count U-Pick crops or anything from the "seconds" section)
Way too much food in the share, I can't use it all!
Usually just the right amount, but sometimes a little overwhelming!
Just the right amount in the share.
Usually just the right amount, but sometimes it's not quite enough.
Not enough food in the share.
Do you use the U-Pick garden?
Yes, all the time!
Have you participated in any of the following at Wild Hill Farm?
Yoga on the Farm
Barn Dances
Volunteering on the Farm
U-Pick Blueberries
Purchased eggs or meat from Stonecrop Farm
Purchased honey
What have been your favorite veggies in your shares so far this season?
Least favorite veggies in your shares?
What veggies would you like to see more of?
What veggies have we had too much of?
What is your favorite aspect of being a Wild Hill Farm CSA member?
How could we improve your CSA experience in the future?
Sometimes members occasionally miss their regular share pick-up time when they are on vacation or for some other reason. We really want everyone to get their veggies, but so far our farming schedule doesn't allow for much wiggle-room. We're trying to figure out a solution for this. Would you pay extra for the convenience of having your share packed for you to pick up from the farm at your convenience, any other day of the week?
No, I can just get a friend to pick up my share for me, this has been working out fine.
Yes, I would occasionally use this option, and would pay a little extra for it.
I would love a weekly (or bi-weekly) pre-packed share bag that was in a cooler at the farm for me to pick up at my convenience (any day of the week) and I would pay extra for this.
How did you find out about Wild Hill Farm CSA?
Word of mouth / a friend
Poster / Flier
Postcard sent to my house
Wild Hill Farm table at an event
Any other comments or suggestions for us?
Can we share your comments on our website or other marketing materials?
Your Name (Optional)
Wild Hill Farm, PO Box 103, Ionia, NY 14475
* 585-455-1260 *
[email protected]
How it works
CSA Member Handbook
Veggies we grow!
Our story
Sign up
Obscure Veggie Guide
2022 Season in Photos
Beginning Photos
Visitor Info
Peanut Seeds!